Expressing Your Gratitude
The Emergenetics Way

The Emergenetics Profile reveals the way you prefer to think and behave. Developed through years of psychometric research, it measures seven distinct attributes of an individual. Each attribute characteristically identifies how one prefers to think and behave.

Expressing gratitude the Emergenetics Way is to take into consideration how others would prefer to receive your gratitude, depending on their preferred way of thinking and behaving.

Here are some ideas to share your appreciation for someone else with the following preferences:


Express your appreciation by sharing why you are grateful. Share how what they did is important to you.


Say thank you for something they did. Provide details to show that you’ve noticed them.


Tell him/her how much you appreciate him/her for being different. Appreciate him/her for his/her vision and creativity.


Show appreciation for the relationship you share. Tell them how important they are to you. Focus on the person.


Choose to express your gratitude through a card or a written message for someone who prefers to be quiet. Or speak to someone in person to express your gratitude if they prefer to be gregarious or outspoken


Show appreciation for someone else’s pace. Thank them for keeping the pace constant, or for driving something through. You can also thank someone for reminding you to pause and reflect.


Express gratitude for someone else’s preference to focus. Or appreciate the times someone else allows you some flexibility.